
its not just Quizzzing...its Thinking Out Of The Box!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013



1.  This kind of tax existed in 18th and 19th century and introduced in 1696 under William 3 because of the fact that people have more number of ventilation in their house and thus tax was levied. What?
Answer- Window Tax.

2.  Which English word derived from the adjective ‘To form or gather into a mass or whole’?
Answer- Conglomerate

3. In the early 1900’s , exactly in 1907 ________ created in Gujrat by the Gandhi family. 2 years agothis was in news for a character Ranchod Gandhi and they used have a specialisation in fountain company. Fill in.
Answer- Vadilal Icecreams.

4. According to the trademark, it is defined as a means of scratch or group around to find, collect and put together. What?
Answer- Scrabble.

5. Famous car launched by this gigantic corporation means ‘sport of the kings’ that shared it’s name with a famous confectionary brand.
Answer- Polo.

6. Nencn Kona was the first officially allowed commercial from US to USSR. What?
Answer- Pepsi Cola.

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